[ka-Map-dev] ka-Map Project Steering Committee

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed May 23 09:30:17 EDT 2007

Thanks to Paul for starting the process and to Lorenzo for a great slate 
of nominations (I was going to do exactly that until I read your email).

I would like to propose that we add your name (Lorenzo) to the list of 
nominations, since you have made very significant contributions.

I would also like to turn down my nomination and propose Julien-Samuel 
Lacroix instead, he's a little more quiet than me but nowadays he knows 
ka-Map better than I do and works on it more than myself. But don't 
worry, I'll still be around with my critical comments.  :)


Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
> Well done Paul,
> I do agree ka-Map needs a PSC to avoid big latency in decision making 
> and create an official referent to the public.
> my nominations are:
> - Paul Spencer  - I don't want to loose the dictator
> - Daniel Morrissette - has always been a smart critical voice and good 
> committer.
> - Andrea Cappugi - wrote a lot of code I've committed (but forget CVS 
> passwords).
> - Tim Schaub - always a good contributor and an expert voice of both 
> ka-Map and OpenLayers.
> - Zak James - knows ka-Map as a child and has always a sane opinion.
> - David Bitner - a great power user. He's the only one that accepted to 
> test quite all my mashups...
> ciao
> Lorenzo
> Paul Spencer wrote:
>> Fellow ka-Mappers ...
>> its time to nominate folks for the ka-Map Project Steering Committee, 
>> an organization that will be empowered by the community to make some 
>> decisions about the future of ka-Map.  All the cool projects are doing 
>> it, and we don't want to be left behind!
>> I think I am currently the benevolent dictator and I would like to 
>> hand over the reigns of power to a more democratic decision making body.
>> Please send your nominations to the list, including why you think that 
>> the person should be included in the project steering committee.  
>> Criteria that have worked for other projects seem to be:
>> * direct contributions to CVS
>> * helping out on the user list
>> * some developers and some (power) users
>> * control spread between several organizations or individuals (i.e. 
>> not all DMSG employees)
>> For a relatively small project like kaMap, I would suggest that we 
>> start with a PSC of 3 or 5 members.  Nominations will be accepted for 
>> one week.  If there are no nominations, I will dictate the nominations :)
>> Cheers
>> Paul
>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>> |Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>> |Chief Technology Officer                                         |
>> |DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |
>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
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Daniel Morissette

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