[ka-Map-users] RE: CVS imageformat && wms connectors

Steve Benzo steve_benzo at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 11:29:07 EST 2005

 >>It appears that in the latest ka-map CVS version, the imageformat (i=x) >>variable is being ignored, and the layers are taking the specified format in the >>mapfile. Is there a simple fix for this?
 Answered my own question, just uncommented lines 54 & 55 in tile.php:
 if (isset($_REQUEST['i']))
   setOutputFormat( $_REQUEST['i');
 Still stuck on the wms/projection issue however.
 >>Also, is there a way we can tweak the WMS js/php connecters to convert >>whatever projection our map is using (say, UTM) to Lat/Lon so that we can add >>WMS layers from any projection instead of just geographic.

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