[ka-Map-users] overlays and infowindows

Base Bloc chris at basebloc.com
Wed Mar 1 21:29:23 EST 2006

Hi Brent,


I've implemented overLIB @ http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ on a mapserver
API, and am about to start testing it with ka-map, it's a very presentable
method that can create Yahoo style tool tips easily, although a tad on the
heavy side. I'm still of two minds on tool tips, I like the Yahoo system as
it's simple and effective although lacking the 'wow' factor of Google.


Sorry; a little off topic but;


Do Yahoo and Google retrieve their tool tips in different ways, if so which
do you guys think is the best way? Yahoo seem to get all the markers and
related html for every marker within the extent onload, then the mouseover
is instant although there is some lag laying down the markers, and then the
tool tip disappears on mouseout. With Google it seems like they lay down the
markers onload (fast) and then go back to the server for the html to fill
the div onmouseover, then the tool tip disappears when the map is clicked.


I personally feel that Google markers are good for the initial 'wow' factor,
but will soon become annoying especially with a small viewport as seems to
be the case with most commercial applications. This approach seems strange
from a company which unlike Yahoo gained popularity from its search engine
due to a fast and simple design (Maybe a sign of the times at Google?). I
don't know much about Google maps but I wonder how long it will be before
people developing elaborate commercial applications will start seeing
pay-per-click markers appearing all over their maps?


For us guys using mapserver (although Google maps aren't even an option in
this part of the world), I think it will be a case of 'he who laughs last
laughs loudest'.





Christopher Brown

Head of Internet Development

Base Bloc Cambodia

#33, 123, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

P.O. Box 2086


Tel (+885) 12 315 302


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