[ka-Map-users] XMLOverlay example request

Pg pg.navone at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 08:33:18 EST 2007

<point id="L1" x="-1323619.75" y="1641870.125">
    <linestring stroke="5" color="#009999">-154.998901 19.736769, -
139.492081 -8.94414, -109.233543 -27.124767, -86.16864018354167 -
59.699470581413706, -36.490345 -54.567432, -27.078005 -56.719242, -14.339527-
7.911775, -23.09849 15.168154, -25.785584 37.906113, -6.284917 62.297668, -
7.958091 71.162933, 6.014083 62.545502</linestring>

<point id="S3" x="6.44907" y="20" redraw="true">
    <polygon opacity="0.5" color="#3333ff" stroke="5" bcolor="#ff0000">
6.44907 20, 7.445678 20.842468, 11.979548 23.525026, 13.480589 23.186134,
14.189322 22.644482, 14.995867 23.001894, 15.191867 21.989744, 15.19843
21.491306, 15.625593 20.96324, 15.546157 20.880419, 15.590104 20.774473,
15.995643 20.348471, 15.753551 19.947784, 15.724625 19.763674, 15.593798
18.731867, 15.505546 16.897871, 14.384764 15.731555, 13.86221 15.031336,
13.789683 14.863214, 13.809959 14.721726, 13.677313 14.636559, 13.696021
14.551124, 13.478827 14.460073, 13.634547 13.710678, 13.353784 13.714444,
13.198665 13.510317, 13.064962 13.547154, 12.877057 13.497046, 12.721602
13.306706, 12.578932 13.268307, 12.476725 13.062414, 12.114126 13.090325,
11.884626 13.246524, 11.522197 13.352141, 10.669226 13.356901, 10.060895
13.203417, 9.650239 12.803607, 9.287998 12.812026, 8.696354 12.916781,
8.14541 13.271336, 7.82488 13.339568, 7.426315 13.110494, 7.227887 13.110927,
7.136395 13.023158, 6.934086 12.98861, 6.421309 13.601575, 6.283037
13.666857, 6.149414 13.642835, 5.526512 13.892007, 5.35497 13.844792,
5.270488 13.746101, 4.870761 13.782478, 4.464738 13.703427, 4.130281
13.472634, 4.096463 12.996067, 3.942208 12.76419, 3.642556 12.520149,
3.668822 11.977861, 3.61767 11.916888, 3.679448 11.763513, 3.605074
11.696975, 3.485037 11.854339, 3.307631 11.887661, 3.261755 12.016192,
2.805825 12.417418, 2.686227 12.280666, 2.387346 12.242217, 2.468418
11.99462, 2.405395 11.901612, 2.059467 12.35238, 2.274273 12.428378,
2.214413 12.611071, 2.098688 12.726534, 1.986293 12.738781, 1.863835
12.616357, 1.570111 12.631305, 0.992786 13.059218, 0.991822 13.37092,
1.182509 13.316788, 1.202298 13.373847, 1.280971 13.358625, 1.037644
13.445189, 0.998148 13.566094, 0.772605 13.692051, 0.619017 13.699059,
0.620477 13.786627, 0.398786 14.027875, 0.362986 14.33568, 0.167995
14.523348, 0.229351 14.989671, 0.956915 14.974725, 1.32403 15.265145,
2.62879 15.367121, 3.527506 15.341487, 3.538171 15.488314, 3.88908 15.71704,
4.076468 16.320419, 4.076758 16.91231, 4.241203 16.987701, 4.242888
19.136717, 5.817081 19.43771, 6.44907 20</polygon>


2007/3/22, Davide <info at e-moz.it>:
>  Hi,
> I'm using XML Overlay functions to draw a polygon from an XML file.
> I've found only this point draw example that work fine.
> <overlay>
>  <point x="7435386.24" y="6172463.1" id="p1">
>    <label>just a label</label>
>    <symbol shape="bullet" size="10" opacity="1" color="#FF0000" />
>  </point>
> </overlay>
> Could someone make me an example about linestring and polygon XML file. I
> can't understand the XML syntax explained at:
> http://ka-map.ominiverdi.org/wiki/index.php/Overlay_API_Reference
> Thanks  a lot
> Davide
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