[ka-Map-users] init.php

Bailey Bailey at texassabal.com
Fri Sep 14 05:04:41 EDT 2007

Hello All,

I am getting a blank page after moving files into new file structure (to
model online environment). 

Shp2image works with the mapfile.

I ran init.php and receive the following: 


000','12000','6000');var map = new _map({name:'ozonaSpraberry',title:'Ozona
er(new _layer( {
,tileSource:'auto',redrawInterval:-1,refreshInterval:-1,scales: new
Array('1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1')}));map.resolution =
72;this.addMap( map );this.tileWidth=256;this.tileHeight=256;this.server =
'http://localhost/js/kamap/';this.tileURL =


Does anyone have any clues as to why 'weather' is not 'ozonaSpraberry'?

Apparently the $szMap is not being reset from the default.

I think the Config.php is not seeing the $_REQUEST['map'] ? but Why?


I am calling the mapfile as follows:



Part of my config.php looks like this:


$aszOzSra = array (

         'title' => 'Ozona Spraberry',

         'path' => '/xampp/htdocs/Projects/ozonaSpraberry.map',

         'scales' => array( 480000, 240000, 108000, 96000, 84000, 72000,
60000, 48000, 24000, 12000,6000),

         'format' =>'PNG'

         /* Sample authorized_users entry. See auth.php for more details:

          * ,'authorized_users' => array('popplace' => array('user1',

          *                              'park'     => array('user1')





 $aszMapFiles = array('ozonaSpraberry' => $aszOzSra


/* Add more elements to this array to offer multiple mapfiles 'weather' =>
$aszGMap, */





 * figure out which map file to use and set up the necessary variables for

 * the rest of the code to use.  This does need to be done on every page

 * unfortunately.


 * szMap should be set to the default map file to use but can change if

 * this script is called with map=<mapname>.


$szMap = 'weather';



Any Ideas?




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