[ka-Map-users] kaMap - setTile function - uses openstreetmap servers.

Ionut Muntean ionut at muntean.ro
Mon Jun 15 15:32:36 EST 2009

nope. at least i am not aware of any modified tile.php. life and need 
put me to do this hack on setTile. the big challange was (for me) to put 
azScales to match kaMap.

kaMap display engine is fast and simple. nothing fancy, but very 
functional. this is why i will use it as a starting point for displaying 
tiles in my projects. so, if i can hack into the js code of kaMap, why 
use tile.php? ... or openlayers ...

this could become a layer such as wmslayer ... maybe sometime when i 
have time or maybe someone else could do this ;)


Joe Franklin wrote:
> very cool.  has anyone modified tile.php so it can accept x/y/z parameters instead of the top/left/scale parameters?  then tile.php could be used instead of TileCache which is written in Python instead of PHP.
> joe
> --- On Mon, 5/25/09, Ionut Muntean <ionut at muntean.ro> wrote:
>> From: Ionut Muntean <ionut at muntean.ro>
>> Subject: [ka-Map-users] kaMap - setTile function - uses openstreetmap servers.
>> To: "ka-map-users" <ka-map-users at lists.maptools.org>
>> Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 6:52 AM
>> kaMap - setTile function - uses
>> openstreetmap servers.
>> File that replaces init.php. Paste the code below in a file
>> on your 
>> server and load it at run time instead of init.php.
>> /*init*/
>> aszScales = new 
>> Array('110936068.18103503','55468034.09051751','27734017.045258757',
>> '13867008.522629378','6933504.261313272','3466752.130658053',
>> '1733376.0653290264','866688.0326645132','433344.0163322566',
>> '216672.008164711','108336.00408377283','54168.002041886415',
>> '27084.001020943208','13542.000510471604','6771.000253818478',
>> '3385.5001283265624','1692.7500655806048');
>> var mResolutions = new Array('156543.0339', '78271.51695',
>> '39135.758475', '19567.8792375', '9783.93961875',
>> '4891.969809375', 
>> '2445.984904687',
>>             '1222.992452344',
>> '611.496226172', 
>> '305.748113086', '152.874056543', '76.437028271',
>> '38.218514136', 
>> '19.109257068',
>>             '9.554628534',
>> '4.777314267', '2.388657133', 
>> '1.194328567', '0.597164284');
>> var map = new 
>> _map({name:'Terra',title:'World',currentScale:2,units:3,resolution:72,version:'3',scales:aszScales,
>> resolutions:mResolutions});
>> map.setDefaultExtents(-20037508.34, -200037508.34,
>> 200037508.34, 
>> 200037508.34);
>> map.setBackgroundColor('rgb(244,244,234)');
>> map.addLayer(new _layer( { 
>> name:'Terra',visible:true,opacity:100,imageformat:'png',queryable:false,tileSource:'auto',redrawInterval:-1,refreshInterval:-1,scales:
>> new 
>> Array('1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1')}));
>> this.addMap( map );
>> this.tileWidth=256;
>> this.tileHeight=256;
>> this.server = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx/';
>> this.tileURL = 'http://a.tile.osm.dmtech.ro/tiles/';
>> this.cacheURL = 'http://localcache.xxx.xxx/tiles/';
>> this.selectMap('Terra');
>> Replace setTile with the function below.
>> _layer.prototype.setTile = function(img) {
>>    var tforce = _settings.alwaysForceDraw;
>>    if (arguments.length == 2)
>>        tforce = true;
>>    var mercExtents = new
>> Array('-20037508.34', '20037508.34');
>>    var zIdx = (this._map.currentScale + 2);
>> // osm zooms are from 0 to 
>> 18. azScales contains only calculated scales from 2 to 18
>> ...
>>    var res = this._map.resolutions[zIdx];
>>    var km = this._map.kaMap;
>>    var left = km.cellSize *
>> (safeParseInt(img.style.left) + km.xOrigin);
>>    var top = -1 * km.cellSize *
>> (safeParseInt(img.style.top) + km.yOrigin);
>>    var right = left + km.cellSize *
>> km.tileWidth;
>>    var bottom = top - km.cellSize *
>> km.tileHeight;
>>    if (left < mercExtents[0] || left >
>> mercExtents[2] || top < 
>> mercExtents[0] || top > mercExtents[1]) return false;
>>    var limit = Math.pow(2, zIdx);
>>    var x = Math.round((left -
>> mercExtents[0]) / (res * km.tileWidth));
>>    var y = Math.round((mercExtents[1] - top)
>> / (res * km.tileHeight));
>>    if (y < 0 || y >= limit) return
>> false;
>>    x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit;
>>    if (tforce) {
>>       var src = this._map.kaMap.tileURL +
>> zIdx + '/' + x + '/' + y + '.png';
>>    } else {
>>       var src = this._map.kaMap.cacheURL +
>> zIdx + '/' + x + '/' + y + 
>> '.png';
>>    }
>>    if (img.src != src) {
>>        img.style.visibility =
>> 'hidden';
>>        img.src = src;
>>    }
>> };
>> Have fun!
>> Ionut Muntean
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