the new updates to kaMap are looking great, thanks all!<br>
the main issue i hear from users of kaMap is that it's not intuitive to
switch between navigate and query mode (darned google maps!).<br>
so i added a check in kaNavigator. if the mouseup event occurs
near a mousedown event (within 3 pixels, but easily changed), assume
its a query, and send the coords to the myQuery function. else the
mouseup and mousedown events are far apart, it must be a drag, so carry
on as usual. <br>
obviously this only works for point queries, but it avoids turning kaNavigator on and off to do simple queries.<br>
it only requires one extra line in startUp.js:<br>
where myQuery is the function that is called if the mouseup/down are
near. if that function is not called or it is recalled with 0,
the kaMap navigation will behave as before. <br>
a working example (with the default alert() in myQuery) and the modified kaTool.js are currently at:<br>
<a href="http://mul-115-1.cnr.berkeley.edu/fire/geoFRAP/map/htdocs/">http://mul-115-1.cnr.berkeley.edu/fire/geoFRAP/map/htdocs/</a><br>
may be useful.<br>