I installed MapServer, PostGis, Ka-Map, and all of them worked properly and displayed map successfull. But when i try to add one point over map, i don't see any thing display on it<br>My code<br>function addPoint(pid,x,y,iconsrc){ <br> var point = myKaXML.addNewPoint(pid, x, y);<br> var icon = new kaXmlIcon();<br> pointIdList[pointNumber]= pid;<br> pointNumber ++;<br>// for test only<br> icon.icon_src = http://localhost/images/point.gif';<br> icon.icon_w= 100;<br> icon.icon_h= 100;<br>// point.onMouseOver = onPoinClick();<br> point.addGraphic(icon); <br>}<br><br>I tried using Firebug to find out what 's cause this problem but i couldn't. <br>Please explain to me why nothing display on map. Thank anyways<br><p> 
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