<br>i'm testing ka-map in ms4w. i noticed a strange behavior in the scalebar when it is set in "english" units.<br><br>i have a series of set scales ranging from 1:5,000,000 to 1:5,000. <br><br>when zooming in, the ka-map scalebar switches the units displayed from "miles" to "feet" when the scale hits 1:50,000. The units of feet should suffice for all the other zoom levels available ( down to 1:5,000).
<br><br>however for some reason the scalebar switches to units of "inches" at the scale of 1:24,000, then switches back to "feet" when zooming-in further ....<br><br>unfortunately my app is not web accessible at this point, but my set-up is pretty much stock ms4w
2.2 with kamap 1.0.b1<br><br>any ideas what is going on?<br><br>sacha<br><br><br>