Hello,<br>I am exploring with ka-map from last 2 and half month <br>as to develope GIS system. Now I am trying to put <br>QueryBuilder (help of ka-routing example ) with the existing basic system.<br>For that I successfully carried out work for the simple one layered queries.
<br>But before proceeding to the complex cross layered queries I want to introduce the <br>styling the query results on user defined values.<br><br>Where I stucked at .<br>I am currently trying to use user defined colors instead defaults.
<br>For that I tried following three methods.<br> $l=$oMap->getLayerByName("dquery_polygon");<br> $c = $l->getClass(0);<br> $s = $c->getStyle(0);<br><br>a)<br>$s->set('outlinecolor','255 0 0');
<br><br>b)<br clear="all"> $colArr = explode(" ",$_GET[$k]);<br> $s->color->setRGB($colArr[0],$colArr[1],$colArr[2]);<br>$s->outlinecolor->setRGB($colArr[0],$colArr[1],$colArr[2]);<br><br>c)<br>$color = $s->outlinecolor;
<br>$color->red = $colArr[0];<br>$color->green = $colArr[1];<br>$color->blue = $colArr[2];<br><br>But not getting the desired output layer gets formed but unable to see output which <br>was there before introducing this output formatting.
<br>And not getting any specific error also.<br><br>Please help me in this regards.<br><br>Regards<br>-- <br> (((())))<br> (@ @)<br> (_)<br>+----oOO------------Ooo----------+<br>| Gupteshwar D Joshi |
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