# DCMMS -- DC Maintenance Management System # # sample_en.map - English map file sample # # Copyright (C) 2003 - 2004 DORSCH Consult, NGWA # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 DORSCH Consult # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. NAME DCMMS STATUS ON SIZE 600 450 SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.sym EXTENT 214600 200230 218000 202835 UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "c:/program files/dcmms/data/" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt IMAGETYPE PNG # Web interface definition WEB MINSCALE 20 MAXSCALE 500000000 IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "wfs_title" "English DCMMS WFS Server" "wfs_onlineresource" "http://localhost:81/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:/ms4w/apps/dcmms/conf/sample_en.map" "wfs_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wfs_encoding" "utf-8" "gml_encoding" "utf-8" END END # Reference map REFERENCE IMAGE "/ms4w/apps/dcmms/htdocs/images/dcmms_keymap.png" EXTENT 214578 200220 218073 202836 STATUS ON COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 120 90 END # Legend LEGEND KEYSIZE 18 12 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END STATUS ON END # Scalebar SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE SMALL END SIZE 150 5 COLOR 0 0 0 BACKGROUNDCOLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 UNITS kilometers INTERVALS 5 STATUS EMBED END #Querymap QUERYMAP STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END #UTM 36N PROJECTION "init=epsg:32636" END # Layers # PendingWorkorders LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME PendingWorkorders MAXSCALE 15000 TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DUMP TRUE CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "areaofinterest from workorder using unique id using SRID=32636" FILTER "1=(select status from maintenance where maintenance.id=workorder.id)" CLASS NAME "PendingWorkorders" TEMPLATE "dummy.html" STYLE SYMBOL "aoihatch" SIZE 8 WIDTH 1 ANGLE 315 COLOR 255 150 150 OUTLINECOLOR 255 150 150 END END TRANSPARENCY ALPHA METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Pending Workorders" "RESULT_FIELDS" "id receiveddate complainant locationdescription" "wfs_title" "Pending Workorders" "gml_featureid" "id" "gml_include_items" "all" END TOLERANCE 15 END # Layer # AdministrativeArea layer CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "the_geom from administrativearea using unique codedvalue using srid=32636" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DUMP TRUE minscale 15000 labelitem "name" class color 255 255 200 name 'West Sector' expression ([codedvalue] = 1) outlinecolor 0 0 0 end class color 200 255 255 name 'North Sector' expression ([codedvalue] = 2) outlinecolor 0 0 0 end class color 255 200 200 name 'South Sector' expression ([codedvalue] = 3) outlinecolor 0 0 0 end METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "AdministrativeArea" "RESULT_FIELDS" "name" "wfs_title" "Administrative Area" "gml_featureid" "codedvalue" "gml_include_items" "all" END end #AdministrativeArea Label layer name "AdministrativeAreaLabel" CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "the_geom from administrativearea using unique codedvalue using srid=32636" type polygon status off DUMP TRUE minscale 15000 labelitem "name" CLASS NAME 'Label' label color 0 0 0 position auto font arial type truetype size 10 end END end # Road layer NAME "Road" data "c:/program files/dcmms/data/basemap/roadcenterlines" type line status default class template "ttt_query.html" name "Road" color 170 170 170 end maxscale 20000 tolerance 1 METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Road" "RESULT_FIELDS" "NAME" END end layer NAME "Building" data "c:/program files/dcmms/data/basemap/building" type polygon status default class template "ttt_query.html" name "Building" color 170 170 170 end maxscale 20000 tolerance 1 METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Building" "RESULT_FIELDS" "AREA" END end LAYER maxscale 10000 labelmaxscale 2000 data "c:/program files/dcmms/data/sewer/gravitymain" NAME gravitymain METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Gravitymain" "RESULT_FIELDS" "DIAMETER" END TYPE LINE STATUS ON #LABELITEM "diameter" CLASS NAME "sewer" template "ttt_query.html" SIZE 2 symbol "circle" COLOR 170 120 0 overlaysymbol "arrow" overlaycolor 170 120 0 overlaysize 8 label color 170 120 0 position auto end END TOLERANCE 15 END # Layer LAYER NAME pressurizedmain data "c:/program files/dcmms/data/water/pressurizedmain" TYPE Line STATUS ON maxscale 20000 labelmaxscale 5000 labelitem "DIAMETER" CLASS NAME 'Pressurizedmain' template "ttt_query.html" SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 2 COLOR 0 0 255 label color 0 0 0 position auto font arial type truetype size 10 end END METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Water Network" "RESULT_FIELDS" "DIAMETER" END TOLERANCE 5 END LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME Village TYPE POLYGON STATUS on CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "the_geom from village" labelmaxscale 10 labelitem "name" transparency 100 CLASS NAME 'Village' template "ttt_query.html" SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 2 OUTLINECOLOR 150 150 150 label color 0 0 0 position auto font arial type truetype size 15 end END METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Village" "RESULT_FIELDS" "gid name" END TOLERANCE 5 END # Village Layer # LandMark Layer LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME Landmark maxscale 15000 TYPE POINT STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "the_geom from landmarkview using unique gid using SRID=32636" labelitem "name" CLASS NAME 'LandMark' template "ttt_query.html" SYMBOL "square" SIZE 12 color 0 150 0 label color 38 119 38 position uc font arial type truetype size 15 end END METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Landmark" "RESULT_FIELDS" "gid type name" END TOLERANCE 15 END # Layer # AreaOfInterest LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME AreaOfInterest TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "areaofinterest from workorder" filter "id = -1" CLASS NAME 'AreaOfInterest' STYLE SYMBOL "aoihatch" SIZE 10 WIDTH 2 ANGLE 45 COLOR 255 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 0 END END TRANSPARENCY ALPHA TOLERANCE 15 END # Layer # Empty layer, used for AreaOfInterest center points layer connectiontype PostGIS CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" name "center" type POINT status OFF DATA "the_geom from center" CLASS NAME "Center Point" #template "ttt_query.html" SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 8 color 0 0 0 outlinecolor 255 255 255 END METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Center Point" "RESULT_FIELDS" "" END TOLERANCE 15 END # Maintenance Layer LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME Maintenance TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTION "dbname=dcmms user=dummy password=dummy host=localhost" DATA "shape from maintenance" CLASS NAME "Maintenance" template "ttt_query.html" SYMBOL "square" SIZE 8 color 223 66 30 END METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Maintenance" "RESULT_FIELDS" "id note" END TOLERANCE 15 END END # Map File