Hi,<br>I made some of the layers in my mapfile queryable as per the instructions in ka-map wiki and it is working. But, one problem left. When dragging to zoom to a feature in ka-map, in identify/query window, only the zoom icon is appearing, and the attribute of that feature (which, inside the attribute table) given in template.html is not appearing along with it, in identify/query window. How to make it also to be appeared? The entries of my mapfile is given below. Any problem with my settings or shall I add anything else to get that?<br>
<br>Layer in mapfile:-<br>----------------------------------------<br> LAYER<br> GROUP "Medical Facilities"<br> NAME med_fac03<br> TYPE POINT<br> STATUS OFF<br> DATA "cgpdata/med_fac03.shp"<br>
METADATA<br> "queryable" "true"<br> END<br> LABELITEM "discr"<br> CLASS<br> NAME "Medical Facilities"<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL "cross"<br> SIZE 10<br>
COLOR 240 65 55<br> END<br> LABEL <br> TYPE TRUETYPE <br> FONT "rachana" <br> SIZE 10 <br> POSITION AUTO <br> BUFFER 5 <br> COLOR 0 0 0 <br> OUTLINECOLOR 245 245 231 <br>
ANTIALIAS FALSE<br> PARTIALS FALSE<br> END <br> END<br> TEMPLATE "med_fac.html"<br> END <br>-------------------------------------------<br>med_fac.html<br>--------------------<br><html><br>
<head><title>Medical Facilities</title></head><br> <body><br> <li> discr<br> </body><br></html><br>--------------------<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)<br>
«´¨`·*Jaisen.*..´¨`»<br>(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`'·.¸)<br>¸.·´<br>( `·.¸<br>`·.¸ )<br>¸.·)´<br>(.·´<br>( `v´ )<br> `v´