value pair. * * The key is the name to be used by the tile caching system to store cached * tiles within the base cache directory. This key should be a single word * that uniquely identifies the map. * * The value associated with each key is an array of three values. The first * value is a human-readable name to be presented to the user (should the * application choose to do so) and the second value is the path to the map * file. It is assumed that the map file is fully configured for use with * MapServer/MapScript as no error checking or setting of values is done. The * third value is an array of scale values for zooming. */ $aszGMap = array ( 'title' => 'GMap 75', 'path' => '../../gmap/htdocs/', 'scales' => array( 40000000, 25000000, 12000000, 7500000, 3000000, 1000000 ), 'format' =>'PNG' /* Sample authorized_users entry. See auth.php for more details: * ,'authorized_users' => array('popplace' => array('user1', 'user2'), * 'park' => array('user1') */ ); $aszMapFiles = array( "weather" => array( "Global Weather", "/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/map/", array( 100000000, 50000000, 15000000 ), "PNG") /* Add more elements to this array to offer multiple mapfiles */ ); /****************************************************************************** * figure out which map file to use and set up the necessary variables for * the rest of the code to use. This does need to be done on every page load * unfortunately. * * szMap should be set to the default map file to use but can change if * this script is called with map=. */ $szMap = 'gmap'; /****************************************************************************** * kaMap! caching * * this is the directory within which kaMap! will create its tile cache. The * directory does NOT have to be web-accessible, but it must be writable by the * web-server-user and allow creation of both directories AND files. * * the tile caching system will create a separate subdirectory within the base * cache directory for each map file. Within the cache directory for each map * file, directories will be created for each group of layers. Within the group * directories, directories will be created at each of the configured scales * for the application (see mapfile configuration above.) */ $szBaseCacheDir = "/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/tmp/"; /* Uncomment the following if you have a web accessible cache */ //$szBaseWebCache = "kacache/"; /****************************************************************************** * Authentication and access control: * * Uncomment the following lines to load auth.php and enable access control. * See docs at the top of auth.php for more details. */ //include_once('auth.php'); //$oAuth = new kaBasicAuthentication(&$aszMapFiles[$szMap]['authorized_users']); /***** END OF CONFIGURABLE STUFF - unless you know what you are doing *****/ if (isset($_REQUEST['map']) && isset($aszMapFiles[$_REQUEST['map']])) { $szMap = $_REQUEST['map']; } $szMapCacheDir = $szBaseCacheDir.$szMap; $szMapName = $aszMapFiles[$szMap]['title']; $szMapFile = $aszMapFiles[$szMap]['path']; $anScales = $aszMapFiles[$szMap]['scales']; setOutputFormat($aszMapFiles[$szMap]['format']); /****************************************************************************** * output format of the map and resulting tiles * * The output format used with MapServer can greatly affect appearance and * performance. It is recommended to use an 8 bit format such as PNG * * NOTE: the tile caching code in tile.php is not configurable here. It * currently assumes that it is outputting 8bit PNG files. If you change to * PNG24 here then you will need to update tile.php to use the gd function * imagecreatetruecolor. If you change the output format to jpeg then * you would need to change imagepng() to imagejpeg(). A nice enhancement * would be to make that fully configurable from here. * * DITHERED is a special output format that uses the 24bit png renderer to * render the entire map and then quantizes the final image into some number * number of colours just before saving, typically 256. * * To use DITHERED, you need MapServer 4.9 CVS after 2006-03-08, or any later * release. You also need to create an OUTPUTFORMAT block in your * map file as follows: * OUTPUTFORMAT NAME dithered DRIVER "GD/PNG" EXTENSION "png" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE RGBA TRANSPARENT OFF FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_DITHER=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" END * */ function setOutputFormat($szFormat) { switch(strtoupper($szFormat)) { case "DITHERED": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'dithered'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreate"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; break; case "PNG24": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'PNG24'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatetruecolor"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; break; case "ALPHA": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'PNG24'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatetruecolor"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; break; case "GIF": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'GIF'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefromgif"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.gif'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreate"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagegif"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/gif'; break; case "JPEG": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'JPEG'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.jpg'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatetruecolor"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagejpeg"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/jpeg'; break; case "PNG": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'PNG'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreate"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; break; } } /** * create all directories in a directory tree - found on the php web site * under the mkdir function ... */ function makeDirs($strPath, $mode = 0777) { return is_dir($strPath) or ( makeDirs(dirname($strPath), $mode) and mkdir($strPath, $mode) ); } /** * This function replaces all special characters in the given string. * * @param szString string - The string to convert. * * @return string converted */ function normalizeString($szString) { // Normalize string by replacing all special characters // e.g. "" // becomes "http___my_host_com_cgi_bin_mywms_" return preg_replace("/(\W)/", "_", $szString); } ?>