Hi, All<br><br>I'm Donny Wicaksono from Indonesia. i'm developing a web-gis. I use ka-map and postgis as database.<br><br>I have difficulties, i really hope anyone can help me.. :)<br><br>I'm developing accident occurrences in a certain location, for example in one district. They are displayed as points in ka-map. The occurrences are yearly, in 2004, 2005, and 2006. The map and the points have already successfully displayed. The identify function per point is working and also is the search function.<br><br>But this is the problem i'm facing:<br><br>I need to make the 'search function' that can get data by inserting word query from two or more fields in my database. For example, i can search by "Car Type" which comes from one field from my database, and i can also search by "Accident Type" which comes from another field. So i can get search results if i use either car name or accident type.<br>But from what i have learned in ka-map wiki, it seems that the 'search
function' can only be applied for one field. So, i have to choose between by "Car Type" or by "Accident Type" in my map file configuration in 'searchfield' part.<br><br>This is my map file in Layer part:<br>.................................<br>LAYER<br> NAME 'accident 2006'<br> GROUP 'Accident 2006'<br> TYPE POINT<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> CONNECTION "host=localhost user='postgis' password=password dbname='car_accidents'"<br> DATA 'coordinates FROM cases' <br> FILTER "extract(year from date)='2006'"<br> <br> METADATA<br> 'wms_title' 'cases'<br> 'queryable' 'true'<br> 'searchfield' 'car_type'<br> 'fields' 'car_type:Car Type,accident_type:Accident
Type,description:Description,date:Date,time:Time,time_zone:Time Zone'<br> END<br> STATUS on<br> TRANSPARENCY 100<br> PROJECTION<br> 'proj=longlat'<br> 'ellps=WGS84'<br> 'datum=WGS84'<br> 'no_defs'<br> ''<br> END<br> LABELITEM 'car_type'<br> CLASS<br> TEMPLATE "kueri.html"<br> NAME 'Year 2006' <br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL 'CIRCLE' <br> SIZE 7 <br> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> COLOR 255 0 0<br> END<br> LABEL
<br> SIZE small<br> COLOR 0 0 0 <br> ANGLE 0<br> BUFFER 2<br> END <br> END<br> PROCESSING "close_connection=DEFER"<br> END<br> #Circle symbol<br> SYMBOL<br> NAME 'CIRCLE'<br> TYPE ellipse<br> FILLED true<br> POINTS<br> 1 1<br> END<br> END <br> ...........................<br><br>I have tried to make it<br>'searchfield' 'car_type', 'accident_type' <br>or<br>'searchfield' 'car_type'<br>'searchfield' 'accident_type'<br><br>But none of them works.
<br><br>How should i configure my map file in order to have search function works by using data from more than one field? Is it possible to do? Or do I have to configure another files? If so, which files, and how should i do that?<br><br><br>i will appreciate any helps....<br><br>thank you<br><br>-don-<br><br><p>