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hi all,<br> <br>
I use ka-map to display my map produced from mapserver. In my mapfile I
have defined eight layers in four groups. I can control which layer to
be displayed by choosing its check-box, however, when I choose a new
layer, layers before it will be covered. What I really want to do is
that all chosen layers will be displayed , how can I make that true.
Another problem is about Chinese character or Encoding. If I name the class with Chinese in mapfile there will be unreadable codes in ka-map. When I change all the group name to Chinese characters, only some group can be displayed successfully, some are groups just display as this group below it. My locae is UTF-8, I really do not know what the matter is, any
suggestions about it ?<br>
Thank you very much in advance!<br>-- <br>天道酬勤<br>