Hi all,<br>I am really anxious about ka-map query and search now. In my mapfile I configured a layer as follows and it displayed a city's boundary constituted of 68 lines. Then I think it is valid to select some of the lines and get their id from the table where the_geo DATA is stored in my database. However, when I finished the query just get "no matching results". I have read the script file "map_query_float.php" and found nothing special. Should I configure the mapfile to tell ka-map which table in postgis is going to be looked for? If so, how? If not, why I can not get what I want ? Thank you for any clues. <br>
<br>a querable layer of my mapfile <br> LAYER<br>METADATA<br>'queryable' 'true'<br>fields "bound_id:BID"<br>hyperlink "cat|myurl"<br>"searchfield" "gid"<br>END<br> NAME xzqj_x<br>
group "xzqj"<br> STATUS ON<br> TYPE line #if POINT is used,every polygon is white and label is ineffective<br> CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS<br> CONNECTION "dbname=*** host=*** user=*** password=*** port=***"<br>
DATA "the_geom from xzqj_x" <br># labelitem cname <br> CLASS<br> NAME xzqj_x<br> STYLE<br> symbol dashed1<br> size 3<br> color 100 100 100<br> END<br>