Hello everybody, I am a new ka-map user and I'm trying to test it with my maps, but I have a problem, my map is not shown in the ka-explorer. I modify the lines in config in order to point out to my map but when I launch ka-map it doesn't appear it is just a frame in white. I tried with the init.php and it shows the next:<br>
---------------------<br>*init*/aszScales=new Array('100000000','50000000','15000000');var map =
new _map({name:'global',title:'Ejemplo_02',currentScale:
_layer( {
new Array('1','1','1')}));map.resolution = 72;this.addMap( map
);this.tileWidth=256;this.tileHeight=256;this.server =
'<a href="http://localhost/ka-map/';this.tileURL">http://localhost/ka-map/';this.tileURL</a> =
'tile.php';this.selectMap('global');<br>---------------------<br><br>Also when I put the line "<a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/ka-map/map_files/global.map">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/ka-map/map_files/global.map</a> " directly on the web address my map appears correctly, so I don't know why ka-map doesn't recognise any simple map.<br>
<br>I hope somebody can helpe me. I am using ubuntu 10.04 with MapServer 5.6.1, ka-map-1.0-20070205, php5, mapscript and gd libraries are installed.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>----------------<br>Mar<br><br>