[maplab-users] Query templates

Gino Lucrezi gino-maplab at lucrezi.net
Tue Apr 13 07:00:23 EDT 2004

Hi all!

I solved my last problem, but now I have another one.

I have MapLab (2.0.1-release) and MapServer version 4.0.1 

I am trying to query some layers, and I defined templates for all the layers involved.

However, it appears to me that both MapEdit and GMapFactory override the relevant statements in the mapfile and use their own handler (whose logic is in htdocs/mapedit/query.phtml for MapEdit and in htdocs/gmapfactory/templates/app_query.phtml for GMapFactory).

Is there a way to change this behaviour, short of rewriting app_query.phtml?

Thank you!

Gino Lucrezi

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