[maplab-users] Help Me!!!

Zak James
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 16:45:54 -0500

It's important that your version of Maplab and Mapserver match in order  
for them to work together; it sounds like you are trying many different  
versions but these are the valid combinations:

Mapserver 3.x with Maplab 2.0
Mapserver 4.x with Maplab 2.1rc3

In maplab.xml, you need to make the
> mapscript_module: php_mapscript_36.dll
line match the version of Mapserver you're using (i.e. 36.dll for  
Maplab 2.0)

Your problem in the file browser sounds like a php session problem. If  
your system has a php.ini file it may have session settings that are  
stopping maplab from functioning normally. Also make sure that the file  
paths in the maplab.xml file actually exist and are accessible.


Zak James
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

On Jan 2, 2004, at 1:55 PM, Musella Pietro wrote:

> I have installed MapLab on my pc,with this configuration:
> S.O. Windows 2000 Professional - SP 2
> Mapserver 3.6.4 (also 3.7 and 4.0.1, but the result is the same)
> Web Server: IIS 5.0
> Php 4.2.3 (also 4.3.3, but the result is the same)
> MapLab 2.0rc6  (also 2.1rc3, 2.0dev20030812, but the result is the  
> same)
> I use Mapserver from 2-3 years.
> I can start MapLab (index.phtml), but this is all that I can make!!
> When I start MapEdit, and I want to open a map-file I cannot do it  
> because
> the window (browser-file) is opened on ../common directory ( I set
> file_browser_root on other directory): why? I cannot go up directory,  
> only
> down (for example wrapper subdirectory).The same thing happens when I  
> want
> to make a new map-file.
> The active buttons are only:Maplab,MapEdit,Mapbrowser,Gmapfactory,Help  
> and
> the combobox(option) "File Menu".
> My maplab.xml is:
> app_path: d:/maplab/
> file_browser_root: d:/maplab/
> allow_browsing: true
> convert_old_files: true
> group_name: users
> new_file_permission: 0664
> mapscript_module: php_mapscript_36.dll
> log_path: d:/tmp/ (exist)
> log_level: LOG_OFF
> tmp_map_path: d:/tmp/  (exist)
> tmp_img_path: d:/tmp/ (exist)
> tmp_web_img_path: /ms_tmp/ (virtual directory with write permission)
> image_type: PNG
> rosa_file: rosa/rosa.jar
> default_navigation_mode: ROSA
> execution_mode: 2
> demo_path:
> allow_config: TRUE
> version: 2.0-dev20030812
> installed_packages: |MapEdit |MapBrowser |GMapFactory
> build_date: Tue Aug 12 00:01:51 EDT 2003
> My MapEdit.xml is:
> MapLab: D:/maplab/config/maplab.xml
> configuration_file: mapserv_36.xml
> min_zoom_rect: 5
> zoom_factor: 2
> warehouse_mapfiles:
> My Mapbrowser.xml is:
> MapLab: D:/maplab/config/maplab.xml
> ows_schemas_location:  
> <>
> My Gmapfactory.xml is
> MapLab: D:/maplab/config/maplab.xml
> new_app_path: MUST_CHANGE
> new_app_url: /projects/
> app_folder_name: gmf_apps
> proj_folder_name: gmf_projects
> What can I do?
> Thanks in advance
> Best Regards and Happy New Year
> Pietro Musella  - INFORM S.r.l., Via Savelli, 56 - 35129 Padova,  
> Italy, tel
> +39 (0) 49 8064311, fax +39 (0) 49 8064326
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