[maplab-users] please help!

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Sun Oct 31 17:13:04 EST 2004


Check the values for "tmp_img_path" and "tmp_web_path" in 
/maplab-2.2/config/maplab.xml.  Make sure the URL that you specify in 
tmp_web_path is a valid URL for your web server.  Also check in the 
tmp_img_path directory and see if any map images are being generated.

Also note that if you use the free tool MS4W you can install a 
pre-configured MapLab, so you won't have to go through these config 
issues.  (MS4W is a zipfile that contains a web server, phpmapscript, 
and other utilities: http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/)


webmaster wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have some problems with maplab. I want to see the maps of the tutorial 
> integrated with maplab, but when I make a preview, the program show the 
> controls but not show any image .  I have installed  mapserver  4.2.4, 
> maplab 2.2.  and phpmapscript.
> Thanks for your help
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Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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