[maplab-users] Re : problem with postgis layer (Alberto Cavalli)

Gilles si.geo at free.fr
Thu Sep 2 04:02:40 EDT 2004


I think, Alberto, you are not connecting to the right database - 
template1 -.
You should create a database name MY_DATABASE ex :

createdb MY_DATABASE
createlang plpgsql MY_DATABASE
psql -d MY_DATABASE -f path_to\postgis.sql
psql -d MY_DATABASE -f path_to\spatial_ref_sys.sql

Then you use shp2pgsql :

shp2pgsql -D path_to\my_shape.shp MY_DESTINATION_TABLE MY_DATABASE | 
psql -U postgres MY_DATABASE

If you don't want to have problem with the password of postgres, you can 
change in *pg_hba.conf* the way the user postgres is connecting to the 
database : change *md5* in *trust*.
And don't forget to change this value when you finished your transactions.

In order to see your data with MapServer edit the *CONNECTION* section 
of your map :

CONNECTION "user=postgres password=admin dbname=MY_DATABASE host=localhost"

I hope this can help you.


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