[maplab-users] A little help about making custom lengends

expander at mail.com expander at mail.com
Sun Apr 10 07:02:16 EDT 2005


As I've already written in a previous message, I need a little help on
how to work with a custom legend different from which generated by 
traditional behaviour.

For every map layer, or only for specific ones, I need to use "static" small
gif images rather than ones automatically generated by MapServer so to
produce a final Map page with a specific graphic layers legend rather than
one based on "generic" Esri/ArcView symbols set.

Furthermore I need to show or to hide different layers by group with a legend
that gives me capacity to select or deselect both entire group or, inside it,
every single layer.

As previously emphatized, in "MapServer HTML Legend HOWTO" document I was not 
able to find a valid help: this document describes many things but it doesn't 
pratically say which files to modify but assumes only a certain ability to set 
MapServer templates.

Thank you.


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