[maplab-users] Very strange behavior

Djamel Toudert toudert at uabc.mx
Wed Jan 26 21:47:06 EST 2005

I recently build a just a little application a round few layers. 
I don't understand why the application is instable. I experience the
same behavior with mapbowser and maplab others modules. 
Like you can see, we need to click hardly the get some changes on the
map and in the most cases the application just crash.
In the httpd error log file I have mostly these tow errors:
- [Wed Jan 26 11:07:41 2005] [notice] child pid 1455 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
- [Wed Jan 26 11:19:49 2005] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /var/www/html/maplab/htdocs/mapbrowser/a_pixel.gif, referer:
I am working on mandrake 9.2, php4.3.4, mapserver 4.4 maplab2.2.
I appreciate any help to resolve this problem.
Djamel Toudert
 <mailto:toudert at uabc.mx> toudert at uabc.mx

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