[maplab-users] Erro displaying dara

krishnaa sridharan kichi at rediffmail.com
Mon Oct 24 20:25:04 EDT 2005

Hi zak,
Thanks for your response. I tried it, and still got the same error. Could there be something with my setup?
Thanks for the help again

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 Zak James wrote :
>The path to your shapefile, displayed in the error message, looks a
>little off to me. Try specifying an absolute path (without using the
>file picker) in the LAYER object. Perhaps
>/ms4w/apps/maplab-2.2.1/shp/fl_06 ?
>On 24 Oct 2005 00:47:43 -0000, krishnaa sridharan <kichi at rediffmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >    Hi all,
> >  I am getting the following data when trying to diplay vector data from shp
> > files. I found my extents from ogrinfo, the following is the error iam
> > getting,can some one help me please
> >
> >
> >  Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named 'Floor
> > 6'. in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php
> > on line 472
> >
> >  Warning: [MapServer Error]: msSHPOpenFile():
> > (/ms4w/apps///maplab-2.2.1/../..//maplab-2.2.1/shp/fl_06) in
> > C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> > line 472
> >
> >  Warning: [MapServer Error]: msSHPOpenFile():
> > (/ms4w/apps///maplab-2.2.1/../../../../../..//maplab-2.2.1/tutorial/testmap/../..//maplab-2.2.1/shp/fl_06)
> > in C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> > line 472
> >
> >  Warning: [MapServer Error]: msFreeHashItems(): Can't free NULL table in
> > C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> > line 472
> >
> >  Warning: [MapServer Error]: msFreeHashItems(): Can't free NULL table in
> > C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> > line 472
> >
> >  Warning: [MapServer Error]: msInsertHashTable: Invalid hash table or key in
> > C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> > line 472
> >
> >  Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
> > C:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\htdocs\mapedit\preview.php on
> > line 477
> >
> >
> >
> >  thanks in advance
> >  Krish
> >
> >
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> > Maplab-users mailing list
> > Maplab-users at lists.maptools.org
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> >
> >
> >
>Zak James
>Applications and Software Development
>DM Solutions Group Inc.
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