[maplab-users] (no subject)

Adriano Hantequeste Gomes hantequesstt at yahoo.com.br
Fri Jan 19 11:36:06 EST 2007

Hi All,

I put this code im my Aplication.php:

if ( $http_form_vars["nome_b"])
	// the parcel number to query for
	$szParcelNumber = $http_form_vars["nome_b"];

	// the current extents will be the default if we fail.
	$oExtents = $oMapSession->oMap->extent;

	//first we need a handle on the layer, let's assume that we have
	//it's name
	$oParcelLayer = $oMapSession->oMap->getLayerByName( "Bairros" );

	// set up the layer for a query in ms 3.6 - in 3.7 we don't need
	// to do this, we can just use querybyattribute. Here we assume
	// that the data file associated with the layer has an attribute
	// called parcel_number that we are querying.
	$oParcelLayer->set( "filteritem", "Nummer" );

	// use querybyattribute to generate the result, assume a single
	// one for simplicity but this can be extended to multiple
	// results easily

	//now check to see if there are any results?
	if ($oParcelLayer->getNumResults() > 0 )
		//at least one result, assume only one for this example
		$oResult = $oParcelLayer->getResult( 0 );

		//oResult is a resultCacheMemberObj
		$oShape = $oParcelLayer->getShape($oResult->tileindex,$oResult->shapeindex);
		$oExtents = $oShape->bounds;

		//at this point we might add a buffer to the extents
		$nXBuffer = ( $oExtents->maxx - $oExtents->minx )*0.05;
		$nYBuffer = ( $oExtents->maxy - $oExtents->miny )*0.05;
		$nMinX = $oExtents->minx - $nXBuffer;
		$nMaxX = $oExtents->maxx + $nXBuffer;
		$nMinY = $oExtents->miny - $nYBuffer;
		$nMaxY = $oExtents->maxy + $nYBuffer;
		$oExtents->setextent( $nMinX, $nMinY, $nMaxX, $nMaxY );

	// now use $oMapNavigator to navigate to the parcel
	// location. There are two useful options now. We
	// can zoom to a rectangle which we have calculated or
	// to a point and scale. Let's assume we have calculated
	// a rectangle and put a buffer around it if necessary.


	$oMapNavigator->zoomRectangle($px1, $py2, $px2, $py1);

	// alternately if it's a point and a scale ...
	//$oMapNavigator->zoomScale( 1000, 100, 100 );


When i query retur this error:

Warning: Wrong parameter count for ms_layer_obj::open() in
D:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\projects\gmf_apps\Geo\Geo.php on line 880

Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msLayerGetShape(): Shapefile layer has
not been opened. in
D:\ms4w\apps\maplab-2.2.1\projects\gmf_apps\Geo\Geo.php on line 881

Adriano Hantequeste Gomes
CREA 080047648-4
Departamento de Geoprocessamento - GEO
Gerência de Estatística e Analise Criminal - GEAC
Secretaria de Estado da Segurança Pública e Defesa Social - SESP
Av. Marechal Mascarenhas de Moraes, 2355
Bento Ferreira - Vitória - Espírito Santo
CEP: 29.052-121
Telefone: 55 27 3334-4736
Fax:       55 27 3334-4735
Celular:   55 27 9225-4852

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