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<title>News | COM.Geo 2011: The 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (Washington, DC, June 2010)
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                                <p class='style26'>If you are having any trouble with viewing this
                                email, please click
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/news/news_2011_04_3.htm'>here</a>.
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/?utm_source=EmailCFP&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EmailCFP10' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
                                <img alt='COM.Geo 2011 Conference' border='0' height='101' src='http://www.com-geo.org/news/header_img_comgeo_2011small.jpg' width='700' /></a>
                <td style='width: 599px'>
                                <p class='style35'>Conference Program Schedule Available NOW</p>
                                <p>The COM.Geo 2011 conference program schedule is
                                available now. Please click <a href='http://www.com-geo.org'>
                                here</a> for more details. <strong>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org'>>></a></strong></p>
                                <p class='title_3'>Who Should Attend & Who Have Attended</p>
                                <p>WHO SHOULD ATTEND? COM.Geo Conference is the unique place
                                where to exchange ideas and get informed about the latest
                                technologies and achievements. Different professions and
                                interests will gather together because of their relationship to
                                both computing and geospatial... </p>
                                <p>WHO HAVE ATTENDED? <strong>Federal government agencies</strong> (USGS, NASA, NOAA, DOD, DOT, DOE, DHS, DOJ, DOI, USDA,
                                USFS, etc.), <strong>Industrial companies</strong> (Microsoft, Oracle, ESRI, Nokia, OGC,
                                Autodesk, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Michael Baker, NAVTEQ,
                                etc.), and <strong>research & academic
                                organizations</strong> (Microsoft Research, Nokia Research, MIT,
                                Stanford University, Harvard University, Columbia University,
                                etc.). </p>
                                <p>2010 sponsors and exhibitors included: Microsoft, ESRI,
                                GviTech, InfoGroup, etc. </p>
                                <p>For more detailed lists, please click
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/who_should_attend.htm'><strong>
                                here >></strong></a></p>
                                                                <p class='title_3'>Great Offer (<span class='style36'>$600+</span>) & More Spaces for Exhibitors
                                and Sponsors </p>
                                <p>As requested by many exhibitors, sponsors, and recruiters, COM.Geo 2011
                                would like to offer more exhibit/job fair spaces with
                                the best price (from $600) for organizations to maximum exposure and
                                recognition with this exciting event. Please reserve the exhibit
                                spaces in Exhibition Hall and select the sponsorship level here                                 <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/exhibit_sponsor.htm'><strong>>></strong></a></p>
                                <p class='title_3'>NASA Panel -- NSDI: Tower of Babel Aspiring to
                                Lingua Franca</p>
                                <p>Consistent means to share geographic data among all users
                                could produce significant savings for data collection and use
                                and enhance decision making. Executive Order 12906 calls for the
                                establishment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
                                defined as the technologies, policies, and people necessary to
                                promote sharing of geospatial data throughout all levels of
                                government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the academic
                                community. <br />
                                The goal of this Infrastructure is to reduce duplication of
                                effort among agencies, improve quality and reduce costs related
                                to geographic information, make geographic data more accessible
                                to the public, increase the benefits of using available data,
                                and establish key partnerships with states, counties, cities,
                                tribal nations, academia and the private sector to increase data
                                availability. <br />
                                A panel of state, federal, academia and industry experts in
                                spatial data will lead a free-wheeling discussion regarding
                                survival in the spatial age with "data, data everywhere and yet
                                not enough to think." ....<br />
                                Please join us in brainstorming smarter ways for a precious
                                planet to do business.<br />
                                Read more
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_panels.htm'><strong>>></strong></a></p>
                                                                <p class='title_3'>100+ Speakers, 16
                                Diverse Programs & Events at COM.Geo 2011 </p>
                                <p>COM.Geo 2011 conference includes 16 programs and events, such
                                as keynotes (NASA, U.S. FCC, Microsoft, OGC, etc.), full papers,
                                short papers, tech talks, demo talks, posters, panels, courses,
                                OGC workshop, Microsoft workshop, demo show, reception, cruise,
                                banquet, exhibitions, job fairs, etc. There are more than 100
                                speakers to present their latest work on innovative geospatial
                                research and applications. <a href='http://www.com-geo.org'>M<strong>ore
                                details about the program and events</strong></a><strong>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org'>>></a></strong></p>
                <td style='background-color: #ffffff' valign='top'>
                <table style='width: 200px'>
                                <td class='style25'>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/registration.htm'>
                                <span class='style34'>Register Now</span></a></td>
                                <td > </td>
                                <td class='style25'>Quick Links</td>
                                <ul class='newStyle4' style='list-style-type: none'>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/index.htm'>Conference Homepage</a></p>
                                        <li><p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/important_dates.htm'>
                                        <strong>Important Dates</strong></a></p></li>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_keynotes.htm'>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_full_papers.htm'>Full
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_short_papers.htm'>Short Papers</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_techtalks.htm'>Tech
                                        <li><p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_demotalks.htm'>Demo Talks</a></p></li>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_panels.htm'>Panels/Panels+</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_courses.htm'>Courses</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/prog_workshops.htm'>
                                        <li> </li>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/exhibit_sponsor.htm'>
                                        & Exhibit</strong></a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/jobfair.htm'><strong>Job Fair</strong></a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/postjobslist.php'>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/venue_dc.htm'>Washington DC </a></p>
                <td colspan='2' style='background: #ffffff'>
                <p> </p>
                <p class='style22'><strong>About COM.Geo Conference</strong></p>
                <p class='style21'>COM.Geo Conference is the international conference and
                exhibition on computing for geospatial research and application with a focus
                on the latest computing technologies for multidisciplinary research and
                development that enables the exploration in geospatial areas. COM.Geo
                Conference is an exclusive event that connects researchers, developers,
                scientists, and application users from academia, government, and
                industry in both computing and geospatial fields. Innovative research
                and application technologies are the brightest spotlights at COM.Geo
                conference. COM.Geo is one of the pioneers to boost development of
                computing and geospatial technologies. </p>
                <p class='style19' style='width: 434px'>
                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/org_mailinglist.htm'>Subscribe</a>
                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/org_mailinglist.htm'>Unsubscribe</a></p>