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<title>News | COM.Geo 2011: The 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (Washington, DC, June 2010)
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                                <p class='style26'>If you are having any trouble with viewing this
                                email, please click
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/news/news_2012_09.htm'>here</a>.
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/?utm_source=EmailCFP&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EmailCFP10' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
                                <img alt='COM.Geo 2012 Conference' border='0' height='101' src='http://www.com-geo.org/news/header_img_comgeo_2012small.jpg' width='700' /></a>
                <td style='width: 599px'>
                                <p class='title_3'><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/'>COM.Geo Institute
                                Launches Training & Certificate P<span class='auto-style1'>rograms</span></a> </p>
                                <p>Computing for Geospatial Research Institute (COM.Geo
                                Institute) offers the most up-to-date training for working professionals to boost their technical knowledge and skills of computing for geospatial technology. The training courses and certificate programs
                                are for a multitude of backgrounds and professions.
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/'><strong>>></strong></a></p>
                                <p class='title_3'><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/'>COM.Geo Three Mobile Geospatial Training Classes Open Now</a></p>
                                <p>COM.Geo Institute is now offering three mobile geospatial training courses:
                                <br/><strong>1) Introduction to Mobile for Geospatial Technologies, <br/>
                                2) Mobile Application Development,<br/>
                                3) Mobile Information Visualization</strong>.<br/>
                                The total one-week intensive training courses touch on the latest computing geospatial technology trends that utilize mobile platforms to support mobile geospatial applications. Lectures will be followed by the opportunity for hands-on demonstrations.
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/edu_schedule.htm'><strong>>></strong></a></p>
                                <p class='title_3'>COM.Geo 2012 Call For Submissions</p>
                                <p>The COM.Geo 2011 and 2010 conferences made great successes. There
                                were 14 keynote speakers from governments, universities, and leading
                                industries and 200+ speakers around the world at the COM.Geo 2011
                                and 2010.
                                Now COM.Geo 2012 is inviting you to submit your research or application
                                work to the multiple program sessions, such as full papers, short papers, courses, panels, tech talks, demo talks, posters, workshops, invited sessions, etc. Suggested topics include all computing, geospatial, and related applications. <font face='Arial' size='2'>
                                <strong><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/'>>></a></strong></font></p>
                                <p class='title_3'>COM.Geo 2011 Proceedings Available at ACM Digital Library</p>
                                <p class='style10'>COM.Geo 2011 Proceedings published by ACM are available at ACM Digital Library.
                                Click <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conf_about.htm'>here</a>.
                                More details about
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2011/index.htm'>COM.Geo 2011</a>
                                <font face='Arial' size='2'>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2011/index.htm'>>></a></strong></font></p>
                                <p class='title_3'>Directions Magazine's reports for COM.Geo
                                2011 conference</p>
<p >Directions Magazine's reports for COM.Geo 2011 conference:
                                                        <br/> 1) <a href='http://apb.directionsmag.com/tags/explore/comgeo#'>Evangelizing the “Pillars of a Changing Computing Environment”</a>
<br/> 2) <a href='http://apb.directionsmag.com/tags/explore/comgeo#'>Indoor Positioning and the Navigation of Small Spaces - Presentations from the OGC workshop at COM.Geo </a>
<br />3) <a href='http://apb.directionsmag.com/tags/explore/comgeo#'>The Internet of Places and Things in a More Thoroughly Observed World </a>
                <td style='background-color: #ffffff' valign='top'>
                <table style='width: 200px'>
                                <td class='style25'>Quick Links</td>
                                <ul class='newStyle4' style='list-style-type: none'>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org'>COM.Geo
                                        Institute Homepage</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/edu_courses.htm'>COM.Geo Training</a></p>
                                        <p> </p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/index.htm'>
                                        2012 Homepage</a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/important_dates.htm'>Important Dates</a></p></li>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_papers.htm'>Full
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_papers.htm'>Short Papers</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_techtalks.htm'>Tech
                                        <li><p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_demotalks.htm'>Demo Talks</a></p></li>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_invitedsessions.htm'>
                                        Invited Sessions</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_panels.htm'>Panels/Panels+</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/call_for_submission_courses.htm'>Courses</a></p>
                                        <li> </li>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/exhibit_sponsor.htm'>Sponsor
                                        & Exhibit</a></p>
                                        <p><a href='http://washington.org/'>Washington DC </a></p>
                <td colspan='2' style='background: #ffffff'>
                <p> </p>
                <p class='style22'><strong>About COM.Geo Institute</strong></p>
                <p class='style21'>Computing for Geospatial Research Institute (COM.Geo Institute) is one of the leading-edge geospatial computing research organizations in the world. COM.Geo institute offers R&D, training courses and certificate program, and conferences. Now COM.Geo is playing a guiding role to advancing the technologies in computing for geospatial research and application fields. COM.Geo
                R&D focuses on the latest computing technologies for multidisciplinary
                research and development that enables the exploration in geospatial
                areas. COM.Geo training center offers the most up-to-date training for working professionals to boost their technical knowledge and skills of computing for geospatial technology. The training courses and certificate program is for a multitude of backgrounds and professions. COM.Geo
                conference is an exclusive international event that connects
                researchers, developers, scientists, and application users from
                academia, government, and industry in both computing and geospatial
                <p class='style19' style='width: 434px'>
                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/org_mailinglist.htm'>Subscribe</a>
                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/org_mailinglist.htm'>Unsubscribe</a></p>