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<title>News | COM.Geo 2012: The 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (Washington, DC, June 2010)
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<table align='center' border='0' class='style1' width='700'>
                <td colspan='2'>
                <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='700'>
                                <p class='style26'>If you are having any trouble with viewing this
                                email, please click
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/news/news_2012_0601.htm'>here</a>.
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/?utm_source=EmailCFP&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EmailCFP10' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
                                <img alt='COM.Geo 2012 Conference' border='0' height='101' src='http://www.com-geo.org/news/header_img_comgeo_2012small.jpg' width='700' /></a>
                <td style='width: 500px' valign='top'>
                                <td style='width: 506px'>
                                <p class='title_3'>COM.Geo
                                2012 Hot Panels+ (with Short Talks)
                                on </p>
                                <p class='title_3'>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/prog_panels.htm'>Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data
                                <p class='title_3'>by Experts (USGS, U.S.DOT, Microsoft,
                                Oracle, Nokia, OGC, etc.)</p>
                                <p ><strong>What's inside these promising computing technologies
                                for geospatial research and application?</strong><br />
                                Let's reveal these at COM.Geo 2012 through our leading
                                industrial, governmental, and academic experts' insightful
                                thoughts and inspiring discussions in the following panels+:<br />
                                <br />
                                <strong>1) Mobile Computing/Internet of Things & Big Data
                                Computing</strong><br />
                                OGC, Microsoft, Oracle, Skyhook Wireless, GE Energy/MapFrame
                                Mobile Solutions<br />
                                <br />
                                <strong>2) Cloud Computing & Big Data Computing</strong><br />
                                Microsoft, GWU/COM.Geo, Nokia, Booz Allen Hamilton, U.S. DOT-FAA<br />
                                <br />
                                <strong>3) Cloud / Big Data Computing for Defense</strong><br />
                                Defense Consulting Firms (ICF International, Booz Allen
                                Hamilton), COM.Geo<br />
                                <br />
                                <strong>4) Big Data Computing for Transportation / Traffic</strong><br />
                                U.S. DOT, Nokia, USGS, COM.Geo<br />
                                <p class='title_3'>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/registration.htm'>A<span class='auto-style14'>dvance
                                Registration Deadline Approaching - </span>
                                <span class='auto-style13'>June 15</span></a></p>
                                <p > Several world-class attractions are close to
                                the conference venue, such as National Air and Space Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy
                                Center. USA's Independent Day Celebration, and many more. The
                                conference also provides Boot Camps for the attendee family
                                members for free.</p>
                                <p >
                                <p class='title_3'>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue.htm'>Conference Hotel Reservation</a>
                                - Cut-Off Day on <span class='auto-style13'>June 8</span></p>
                                <table style='width: 100%'>
                                                <td><p>Book your hotel early before peak of travel season,<strong> </strong> USA's
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue_dc.htm'>July 4th, Independence Day</a><strong>,</strong> at
                                                a discounted conference rate<strong>
                                                <span class='auto-style10'>$136</span> </strong>with other
                                benefits<strong> </strong>to save the most money and ensure your
                                first choice of accommodations. <font face='Arial' size='2'>
                                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue.htm'>
                                                <img alt='' height='68' src='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/images/hyatt_reston_s.jpg' width='66' /></td>
                                <p> </p>
                <td style='background-color: #ffffff' valign='top'>
                <table style='width: 208px'>
                                <td class='style25'>Quick Links</td>
                                <ul class='newStyle4' style='list-style-type: none'>
                                        <p><a href='http://www.com-geo.org'>COM.Geo Institute Home</a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/index.htm'>
                                        COM.Geo 2012 Home</a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012index.htm'>
                                        <img height='38' src='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/images/register_now.png' style='border: 0px' width='170' />
                                        </a><br />
                                        <p class='auto-style15'>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/program.htm'>
                                        <strong>P</strong><span class='auto-style14'><strong>rogram
                                        </strong> </span></a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/prog_sessions.htm'>
                                        Technical Papers</a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/prog_sessions.htm'>
                                        Lightning Talks</a></p>
                                        <p class='auto-style17'>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/prog_panels.htm'>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/prog_courses.htm'>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/prog_demo_videos.htm'>
                                        Demo Videos</a></p>
                                        <li> </li>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue.htm'>
                                        Venue & Housing</a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/exhibit_sponsor.htm'>
                                        Sponsor & Exhibit</a></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue_dc.htm'>
                                        Washington DC </a></p>
                                        <p class='auto-style16'>
                                        <strong>World Attractions</strong></p>
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue_dc.htm'>- USA's July 4th
                                        <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/venue_dc.htm'>- National Air &
                                        Space Museum</a></p>
                                        <li> </li>
                                        <p><a href='http://twitter.com/#!/COMGeoI'>
                                        <img src='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/images/follows_twitter_32.png' style='border: 0px'/></a></p>
                                <td class='auto-style6'> </td>
                                <td> </td>
                <td colspan='2' style='background: #ffffff'>
                <p> </p>
                <p class='style22'><strong>About COM.Geo </strong></p>
                <p class='style21'>Computing for Geospatial Research Institute (COM.Geo)
                is one of the leading-edge geospatial computing research organizations in
                the world. COM.Geo is playing a guiding role to advancing the technologies
                in computing for geospatial research and application fields. COM.Geo R&D
                focuses on the latest computing technologies for multidisciplinary research
                and development that enables the exploration in geospatial areas. COM.Geo
                training center offers the most up-to-date training for working professionals
                to boost their technical knowledge and skills of computing for geospatial
                technology. COM.Geo conference is an exclusive international event that
                connects researchers, developers, scientists, and application users from
                academia, government, and industry in both computing and geospatial fields.
                <p class='style19' style='width: 434px'>
                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/org_mailinglist.htm'>Subscribe</a>
                <a href='http://www.com-geo.org/conferences/2012/org_mailinglist.htm'>Unsubscribe</a></p>