[ms4w-users] (no subject)

Emil Zegers EZS at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL
Fri Nov 12 10:29:36 EST 2004

Hello Behrooz,

If you are using a proxy server make sure the option 'Bypass proxy for local addresses' is checked (in IE this can be found under Options/Connections/Lan settings, in FireFox
under Tools/Options/Connection Settings)



>>> Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca> 11/12/04 04:23pm >>>
Hi Behrooz,

Hmm, this is definitely an interesting one.  I'm not sure what is 
causing that.  If you open a command prompt and 'ping' do you 
get a reply?  If you don't get a response, maybe it's an XP SP2 firewall 
issue (?).  Make sure the XP firewall is fully shut down and give it a 
try again.

other things to try:

- specify "ServerName" in httpd.conf (/ms4w/apache/conf/)

- modify your 'hosts' file (/windows/system32/drivers/etc/) and try 
placing "yourIP localhost" in it (and reboot)

Maybe other users have some ideas.


behrooz at yorku.ca wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have installed ms4w following instructions. I can see ms4w in 
> my C drive and all subdirectories match the structure described in 
> read me file.When I test to see if apache is running properly using 
> http://localhost/ or I get error message "The page cannot be 
> displayed"
> But when I use my IP address then I see MS4W main index.html page.
> apache map server is started every time I start my computer an I can 
> check it's status in services. My OS is XP but I do not have IIS.
> I have installed ms4w on another computer with no problems. Any 
> suggestions?
> regards,
> Behrooz

Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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