[ms4w-users] Help: not find fonts

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Dec 9 14:43:39 EST 2005

hmm this is an interesting one.

The fontlist is definitely found, otherwise a different error would be 
displayed.  Have you tried to use other fonts in that fonts directory? 
If this was linux it would sound like a permissions problem...

How about moving the fonts to a different location and changing the 
fontset path, and referring to different fonts...?

Does this same problem occur when trying to view the GMap Phpmapscript 
sample application mapfile?  (it's another MS4W application at 


svidal at sarea.es wrote:
> Mapserver 4.6
> This is the error:
> msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Requested font (georgia) not found.
> Map:
>   EXTENT         607900 743900 608300 744300
>   SIZE           500 300
>   #SHAPEPATH      "/ms4w/apps/tutorial/data"
>   IMAGECOLOR     255 60 60
>   FONTSET        "./fonts/fonts.list"
>   # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object.  You need at least one
>   # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map...  You can
>   # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically
> hard-coded
>   # in map.h in the MapServer source.  The default limit is set at 100. 
> You'd
>   # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100
> layers in
>   # your application.
>   # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------
>   LAYER # States polygon layer begins here
>     NAME         areas
>     CONNECTION   "host=localhost dbname=pruebas user=postgres password=borin"
>     #DATA         "geom from coor4"
>     DATA 			"geom from (select coo.geom, coo.oid, fin.numero, 
> fin.cod_vcp, coo.nombre from coor4 coo
> 								inner join fincas fin on coo.cod_finca = fin.cod_finca) as query"
>     STATUS       ON
>     TYPE         POLYGON
>     LABELITEM    "numero"
>     # The class object is defined within the layer object.  You can define as
>     # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but
> it's
>     # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer.  There are
>     # situations, however, where you might have to do it.)
>      CLASS
>    			 NAME       "UNo"
>       # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer,
>       # just like there are layers in a map.  You can define multiple
> styles in
>       # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and
> multiple
>       # layers in a map.
>       STYLE
>         COLOR        232 232 232
>         OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32
>       END
>       LABEL
>         COLOR 132 31 31
>         SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218
>         SHADOWSIZE 2 2
>         FONT georgia
>         SIZE 12
>         POSITION CL
>         MINDISTANCE 300
>         BUFFER 4
>       END # end of label
>     END
>   END # States polygon layer ends here
>   # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS -------------------------------
> END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come
> to...
> the font list are in :
> C:\ms4w\apps\tutorial\fonts\fonts.list
> and this is fonts.list
>       arial                           arial.ttf
>       arial-bold                      arialbd.ttf
>       arial-italic                    ariali.ttf
>       arial-bold-italic               arialbi.ttf
>       arial_black                     ariblk.ttf
>       comic_sans                      comic.ttf
>       comic_sans-bold                 comicbd.ttf
>       courier                         cour.ttf
>       courier-bold                    courbd.ttf
>       courier-italic                  couri.ttf
>       courier-bold-italic             courbi.ttf
>       georgia                         georgia.ttf
>       georgia-bold                    georgiab.ttf
>       georgia-italic                  georgiai.ttf
>       georgia-bold-italic             georgiaz.ttf
>       impact                          impact.ttf
>       monotype.com                    monotype.ttf
>       recreation_symbols              recreate.ttf
>       times                           times.ttf
>       times-bold                      timesbd.ttf
>       times-italic                    timesi.ttf
>       times-bold-italic               timesbi.ttf
>       trebuchet_ms                    trebuc.ttf
>       trebuchet_ms-bold               trebucbd.ttf
>       trebuchet_ms-italic             trebucit.ttf
>       trebuchet_ms-bold-italic        trebucbi.ttf
>       verdana                         verdana.ttf
>       verdana-bold                    verdanab.ttf
>       verdana-italic                  verdanai.ttf
>       verdana-bold-italic             verdanaz.ttf
> and the georgia.ttf is in the same directori

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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