[ms4w-users] about SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Dec 15 08:51:09 EST 2005

svidal at sarea.es wrote:

>This is my layer in map file
> LAYER # States polygon layer begins here
>    NAME         areas
>    CONNECTION   "host=localhost dbname=pruebas user=postgres password=borin"
>    #DATA         "geom from coor4"
>    DATA 			"geom from (select coo.geom, coo.oid, fin.numero, 
>fin.cod_vcp, coo.nombre from coor4 coo
>								inner join fincas fin on coo.cod_finca = fin.cod_finca) as query"
>    STATUS       ON
>    TYPE         POLYGON
>for see atributes in flash is need:
>the SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES must be fields that are in the select of the DATA i
>select coo.geom, coo.oid, fin.numero,  fin.cod_vcp, coo.nombre from coor4
>coo ................

Yes. you can use SWFDUMPATTRIBUTES  to specify any field name that are available in your layer.


>The "DESCRIPTION""Parks"  is for  ....?


These probably are in the the gmap demo map (?). They are used in the 
gmap php application for the queries (to hold the field names of the 
attribites the application presents when a query happens). They do not 
mean anything in particular outside that context.

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Assefa Yewondwossen           
Software Analyst   

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca    

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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