[ms4w-users] PROBLEMS WITH MS4W

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Oct 20 10:45:07 EDT 2005


On the MS4W homepage ( when you click on one of the 
'phpinfo' links do you see a PHP page of tables with a 'MapScript' 
section?  If so then we can assume that MS4W was installed correctly.

I take it that you uninstalled the Apache that came with wamp5, and if 
that is the case I don't see how that could affect MS4W.

Did you download Chameleon and ka-Map from the MS4W download page? 
(http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html) These 
packages are pre-configured for MS4W, so Chameleon and ka-Map should 
work out-of-the-box.

Can you explain "unable to install"?  What error messages did you 
receive?  Did you extract MS4W, Chameleon-ms4w, and ka-map-ms4w all at 
the same root?  (C:/ for example)


Helder Muianga wrote:
> I installed ms4w on my machine, but I was unable to install the applications:
> Chameleon and ka-Map Javascript API.
> Please I need help on solving this problem
> PS: I had wamp5 installed before on the same machine, can it be the major
> problem??

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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