[ms4w-users] MS4W 1.4.0

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Feb 8 01:04:14 EST 2006

Hello all,

A new release of MS4W is now available containing the MapServer 4.8.1
binaries.  Users should also note the PHP upgrade to 4.4.2 from 4.4.0 -
4.4.1 and 4.4.2 were security releases
http://www.php.net/release_4_4_2.php).  Here is a complete list of the
changes to MS4W:

         - added mapserver release of 4.8.1 cgi and phpmapscript
         - removed mapserver 4.4.2 release from package
         - upgraded PHP to 4.4.2 (bug 1188)
         - combined setenv.bat files for all utilities (bug 1190)
         - upgraded shp2tile to 1.13 release (bug 1106)
         - added dll-hell description to troubleshooting in
           install doc (bug 1194)
         - added error reporting options to quickmap.php (bug 1239)
         - added apache-restart.bat script (bug 1200)
         - added shapelib utilities
         - restructured /tools

Here is a link to the MapServer release notes, where you can see
significant changes listed for 4.8:


Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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