[ms4w-users] New user to MS4W configuration problem with Itasca/Demo

john rust imgahn2u at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 8 16:37:20 EDT 2006

  Thank you for your patience, as (I know) no-one is *paying* you to look at this, 
  or to even think about this.  I could be doing something stupidly
  wrong... many apologies if that is the case, which may be very frustrating for 
  you to decipher what is going wrong.  
  Here are the steps I took and and the results below.  
  1) From CMD window go into c:/ms4w and executed apache-uninstall.bat
     The Apache Web Server service is stopping.
     The Apache Web Server service has stopped.
     Removing the Apache Web Server service
     The Apache Web Server service has been removed successfully.
  2) Unzipped ms4w_2.0.zip (this is latest version available on the download page). 
     Results put into c:/ms4w_2.0
  3) From CMD window 
     C:\>cd ms4w_2.0
    Volume in drive C is HP_PAVILION
    Volume Serial Number is 15FB-1A52
      Directory of C:\ms4w_2.0
     07/08/2006  03:01 PM    <DIR>          .
   07/08/2006  03:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          ms4w
                  0 File(s)              0 bytes
                  3 Dir(s)  123,945,136,128 bytes free
     C:\ms4w_2.0>cd ms4w
    Volume in drive C is HP_PAVILION
    Volume Serial Number is 15FB-1A52
      Directory of C:\ms4w_2.0\ms4w
     07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          .
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          ..
   07/08/2006  03:03 PM    <DIR>          Apache
   02/07/2006  10:43 PM               176 apache-install.ba
   02/07/2006  10:43 PM               134 apache-restart.ba
   02/07/2006  10:43 PM               182 apache-uninstall.
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          apps
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          gdaldata
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          gdalplugins
   05/30/2006  07:42 PM             9,326 HISTORY.txt
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          httpd.d
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          proj
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          python
   05/30/2006  08:20 PM            48,250 README_INSTALL.ht
   05/30/2006  08:20 PM            30,125 README_INSTALL.tx
   04/01/2006  04:40 PM               583 setenv.bat
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          tmp
   07/08/2006  03:04 PM    <DIR>          tools
                  7 File(s)         88,776 bytes
                 11 Dir(s)  123,945,136,128 bytes free
     C:\ms4w_2.0\ms4w>apache-install.bat  <-- Executed the install script !!!
   The Apache Web Server service is starting.
   The Apache Web Server service was started successfully.
  3.5) Went to IE and typed http://localhost and got this result:
      MS4W - MapServer 4 Windows
  Welcome to MS4W v2.0, the MapServer package for Windows. This package is intended to simplify your life if you are:
   a novice mapserver user who doesn't want to learn how to set up map server windows just yet ...   
   any mapserver user who needs a quick and dirty installation on Windows ...   
   you're giving a workshop and you want 15 identical machines quickly ... 
  etc. etc. etc. ......
  4) Unzipped mapserv_demo_ms4w
     Results put into c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w
  5) From windows navigated to demo directory: 
     Double clicked on index.html with this result in the IE (see below) 
    MapServer Itasca Application    
    This demonstration application will take you through various levels of complexity. Starting with a basic application that allows a user to pan/zoom and change layers we add:     
   dynamically configured scalebars   
   javascript-based panning   
   query results to a frame   
   and finally, a DHTML rubber-band zoom/query capabilty 
  The base data is the old-reliable Itasca dataset that we know and love...    [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]   Basic Application  -- Adds second scalebar  -- Adds pan controls  -- Adds frames  -- Adds dhtml rubber-band box  [input]  
  6) Click on Initialize Button
      Nothing happens.  
  7) Select add_dhtml_rubber_band and Click on Initialize Button
     Result is pasted below......
    MapServer - Itasca Application  
                              Choose an Action: 
 [input]  Browse map
 [input]  Query feature
 [input]  Query multiple features   
    Select Layers to Display: 
 AirportsCitiesLakes & RiversStreamsRoadsTownshipsUSGS 1:250,000 Quads
    Zoom Controls: 
Zoom In  [input]  Pan  [input]  Zoom Out  [input]    Zoom Size  [input]    

    back to start         document.write("" + args.map_web_template + "");    itasca_adds_dhtml.html 

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