[ms4w-users] Resource for using csharp with ms4w?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 27 13:17:49 EDT 2006

MS4W does not include any resources for CSharp or Java mapscript...but 
if you are willing to contribute some (like a section in the readme on 
installing and testing with ms4w) please let us know.

Otherwise you have to resort to searching the mapserver-users mailing 
list as Bart mentioned.


Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
> Hi,
> please use the mapserver-users (see http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu) e-mail 
> list for this type of question.
> MS4W is just about the installer environment.
> Best regards,
> Bart
> Linh C. Nguyen wrote:
>> Example anyone?

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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