[ms4w-users] About Query widget

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Jun 9 14:23:33 EDT 2006

If you are talking about Chameleon, you should use its mailing list for 
this question 
(http://chameleon.maptools.org/index.phtml?page=mailinglist.html).  For 
general MapServer questions use the mapserver-users mailing list 

This MS4W list is used only for MS4W configuration issues.



lpzhao at netzero.net wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am a new MS4W user. I did create a map application to display five states outline map . What I am going to do is: when user click any state, it goes to display this state map includes county. I think I can use widget query and modify some code to do this. How can I make query result pop-up window does not pop up? and for the Query widget, what attributes are required?
> Thank you For any help!
> Liping Zhao  

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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