[ms4w-users] How to connect to MS-Acces DB with ms4w {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at agt.bme.hu
Wed Mar 15 08:05:17 EST 2006


If you would like to use ms access database for query purposes you can use 
a join section in your layer definition, using odbc connection.

If you would like to use ms access database to classify layer objects you 
can use ogr connection with a select command to join your shape to an odbc 

If you would like to get map objects from an odbc database you can use 
odbc/ovf (see virtual spatial data)

odbc is supported in php. DAO, ADO is specific to microsoft not open 


On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 Frank.Gottsmann at sbg.ac.at wrote:

> Hello out there,
> Would like to connect an MS Access DB 
> from my ms4w to read out attribute data matching to certain zones
> represented in a vector-shapefile.
> Have succeeded when converting the Access DB in .dbf format - but would
> like to prevent this.  
> Would like to use the (SQL) Join Operator when joining shape-dbf tables
> and Access db tables.
> Is that possible from ms4w? - Can I use the MS-ADO or ODBC objects to
> connect to the DB? 
> What's the best scripting language for that purpose? - Php?
> Thanks very much for your support!
> Frank
> ------------------------------
> Frank Gottsmann
> University of Salzburg
> Z_GIS 
> Hellbrunner Str. 34
> 5020 Salzburg
> Tel: 0043 662 8044 5270
> mail: frank.gottsmann at sbg.ac.at

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