[ms4w-users] Failed to modify or delete or create new features of a postgis layer with FIST

Ilias Petrou iliaskoz at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 19 13:14:28 EST 2006

hi i have installed ms4w and then install FIST.
when I am trying to modify or delete or create new
features of my postgis layer( the active one) nothing
happen. The user i use in the connection string is the
owner of the postgis table so normally he does have
the right to modify the tables.
Note that i added the
" <context>
             </context> "
in the layer config file  under the layer i want.

So for example when i want to digitize a new point it
shows the
message "Accept the location of the point." but when i
 choose the button  "NEXT " nothing happens!!!     

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