[ms4w-users] ms4w with WAMP5 or XAMPP

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri May 26 14:30:22 EDT 2006


Hmm, since those packages obviously already contain Apache, I guess it 
would make more sense for you to download and configure PHPMapScript / 
mapserv.exe with those packages 
  But I'm not exactly familiar with those WAMP5 or XAMPP packages, maybe 
others have more to say...


Gabriel Origel-Gutierrez wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 21:39:11 -0500
>> To: ms4w-users at lists.maptools.org.
>> From: Gabriel Origel-Gutierrez <gorigel at geociencias.unam.mx>
>> Subject: ms4w with WAMP5 or  XAMPP
>> Hi List !
>> Is possible to develop ms4w mapping tools installation using the last 
>> software including in WAMP5 or XAMPP?
>> http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
>> http://www.en.wampserver.com/
>>                      ////
>>                     (@ @)
>>                      (_)
>> _______________o00o_______o00o_________________
>> M.Sc. Gabriel Origel-Gutiérrez
>> Técnico Académico
>> Centro de Geociencias, Campus UNAM-Juriquilla,
>> Blvd Villas del Mesón S/N, Juriquilla, Querétaro, Qro.
>> MEXICO 76230
>> http://geminis.geociencias.unam.mx/
>> Apdo. Postal 1-742, Centro Querétaro, Qro. 76001, MEXICO.
>> phones: (+52) 55 5623-4104 or 16 ext 195 (from Mexico City)
>>         (+52) 442 238-1104 or 16 ext 195 (from Queretaro)
>>   Fax: ext 161
>> gorigel at geociencias.unam.mx  / abc_map at hotmail.com
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Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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