[ms4w-users] [UNCLASSIFIED]Problem connecting to Oracle Spatial

Daniel Goetz madprof at gmx.ch
Tue Sep 5 02:16:50 EDT 2006

Hi Damien,

have made correct settings in the tnsnames.ora (alias, port, etc.) and in the sqlnet.ora and did they lie in your /oralce/admin/network directory? the second hint would be to play with the service name in the CONNECTION objet of your mapfile. Try to take the exact expression as the alias in the tnsnames.ora. third I would also copy the \ms4w\gdalplugins\ignored\OCI.dll to \ms4w\gdalplugins\ otherwise you could not communicate via OCI. Try this. In my case (and I am using exactly the same components) everything works fine. Good luck.



P.S. the settings in the httpd.conf of apache are not necessary in my case.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 16:43:36 +1000 
Von: Damien.Lynch at brs.gov.au
An: ms4w-users at lists.maptools.org
Betreff: [ms4w-users] [UNCLASSIFIED]Problem connecting to Oracle Spatial

> I have installed ms4w 2.1 and version 1 of the Oracle 10g client. I have
> swapped the libmap.dll library and added the following lines to Apache's
> httpd.conf file:
> SetEnv ORACLE_HOME "c:/oracle/product/10.1.0/Client"
> SetEnv TNS_ADMIN "c:/oracle/product/10.1.0/Client/NETWORK/ADMIN"
> SetEnv PATH "c:/oracle/product/10.1.0/Client/bin"
> and I think I have the layer in the mapfile correct:
>   layer
>     name           nvis1
>     connectiontype oraclespatial
>     connection     "user/pass at service"
>     data           "location from grid"
>     status         on
>     type           point
>   end
> but I still cannot connect to Oracle spatial. When I enter
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:/ms4w/apps/lccsApp/vegetation.map
> <http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:/ms4w/apps/lccsApp/vegetation.map&layers=nvis1&mode=map>
> &layers=nvis1&mode=map in my browser, I get the following error:
> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'nvis1'. 
> msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. Cannot create OCI
> Handlers. Connection failure. Check the connection string. Error: ORA-12560:
> TNS:protocol adapter error .
> I have no problem connecting using sqlplus using the same connect string.
> The only non-standard thing is that I had the 8i client already installed
> and I installed 10g alongside it. I have since removed 8i and used the
> registry editor to change all references to 10g.
> Any ideas why I can't connect?
> Damien Lynch
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