[ms4w-users] localhost not working

Julian Inskip julian.inskip at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 16:13:41 EDT 2007

Hello to all. I am trying to install ms4w for my very first time. When I ran
the apache-install.bat file it created the service ok, but couldn't start
it. I then changed the 'Listen 80' to 'Listen 8080' in the 'httpd.conf'
file. I was then able to start the ms4w service after that.

But my problem now is that when I type in http://localhost in my internet
explorer, it give me an error and says "The webpage cannot be found".

I am not sure if I have done something wrong here or what. Could anyone
please assist me with this problem.

I am installing this on my acer travelmate c300 tablet.

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