[ms4w-users] Shp to postgresql conversion

Ben Madin ben at remoteinformation.com.au
Fri Aug 24 07:33:08 EDT 2007


On 23/08/2007, at 7:27 PM, Kamal Pandey wrote:

> How could I convert a shape file to a postgresql database table

google (or whatever)  postgis or (shapefile and postgresql)

This isn't really a question for the ms4w list - try mapserver-users

but also, please respect that lists are for information that can't be  
found by looking at existing documents, which this can




Ben Madin

t : +61 8 9192 5455
f : +61 8 9192 5535
m : 0448 887 220
Broome   WA   6725

ben at remoteinformation.com.au

					Out here, it pays to know...

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