[ms4w-users] Installation

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Mar 28 07:33:58 EST 2007


The answer is that you cannot view GRASS data with MS4W.  See this link 
for all supported formats 
   I am now a GRASS user and I have been thinking of this problem 
myself, but I don't see it being added to the MS4W-base package in the 
near future (but someday for sure!).

If you are looking to download the "Getting Started with MapServer 
Workshop" or ms101, try using all of the files from one of the past 
conference workshops (the 2005 files are still available: 


megha shyam wrote:
> i have unzipped ms4w 2.2.3 how can view the maps that i have created in 
> what all should i configure.i have followed the pdf files but there is 
> no ms101 folder in the installation folder.please help me friends

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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