[ms4w-users] truetype support in ms4w

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Mar 30 07:45:20 EST 2007

The answer is yes.  But you can verify this by executing mapserv -v at 
the command prompt (after setting setenv.bat) and looking for 
"SUPPORTS=FREETYPE" in the output, or also going to in a web browser and looking in 
the "MapScript" section for that same output string.

Also, you can download the "PHP/MapScript Sample Application" addon MS4W 
  package from 
http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html, which uses 
truetype fonts for labelling, to use as a guide.


Nick Ullman wrote:
> Hello!
> I have installed the latest ms4w (version 2.2.3 March 6th 2007) but have 
> discovered that every time I try to label a polygon/street with a 
> truetype font the layer won’t draw any more.  Can anyone confirm if 
> truetype support is enabled or not in mw4w?  If not, any pointers on how 
> I could go about adding such support?
> Many thanks!
> Nick

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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