[ms4w-users] Map Server and FIST

Jeff McKenna jeffmckenna at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 13:05:18 EDT 2008

MS4W 2.2.7 was tested on Vista before release.  Some users have  
recently reported some issues with Vista and php5...unfortunately I no  
longer have access to a Vista virtual machine so I cannot verify those  
new reports.  I recommend that you give it a try yourself.

For FIST questions, you should ask on its mailing list: http://web.archive.org/web/20070205142520/fist-mapping.org/mailing_list


On 28-Apr-08, at 12:42 PM, Juan José Ballesteros wrote:

> Hello....and sorry for my bad english. I need to know if Map Server  
> and FIST (Flexible Internet Spatial Template) work in Windows Vista
> Thank you for all

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