[ms4w-users] 2.2.8 version of MS4W has slow page loads

Chad Ringenberg chad at agridatainc.com
Fri Aug 29 11:06:00 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I just installed the latest version of MS4W version 2.2.8 base installer and when accessing it through the CGI it appears to generate the map quickly but the page doesn't finish loading until 2 or 3 seconds later.  My map file has a single shape file layer and with debugging on the log file says it takes .054 seconds.  In IE it takes about 3 seconds to display the map and Firefox will display the map immediately but the progress bar indicates it is still loading the page for 2 or 3 more seconds.  Vista and Windows Server 2003 have the same behavior with MS4W installed.  I have the same results with mode=map and mode=browse.  MS4W version 2.2.7 works as expected. 

Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?


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