[ms4w-users] Documentation available‏ Chameleon JSAPI mode‏

Orlando Solarte registro_orsolarte at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 15 18:01:53 EDT 2008

Hello. I am trying develod chamaleon application working on JSAPI mode. I neet to developed news widgets, but I don't know how.The documentation available on http://chameleon.maptools.org/index.phtml?page=CWC2JavascriptAPI.html is basic. I need to know how work chameleon in JSAPI mode, i.e CWC2 architecture on JSAPI mode. I used ajaxworkshop.zip documentation. So, my question is... Where Is There documetation detailed about chamaleon application working on JSAPI mode with examples? I am tryng understand  know how to work ZoomAllLayers widget on JSAPI  mode, but isn't easy within documentation. Thanks!
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