[ms4w-users] Fwd: php_pdf.dll Problem When Using Chameleon PrintProduction Widget

Jessica Fendos Jessica.Fendos at state.mn.us
Fri May 23 16:56:45 EDT 2008

> Hi list:
> I am using WS4W 2.2.4 with chameleon-2.6.0rc1. When applying the

> PrintProduction Widget and try to save map as a pdf file in a
> application, I got the following error message:  
> *Warning*: dl() [function.dl 

> Unable to load dynamic library '/ms4w/Apache/php/ext/php_pdf.dll'
- The 
> specified module could not be found. in 
> line *242*
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function pdf_new() in 
> line *246*
> ** 
> I discovered that this problem was reported by another individual
> *http://www.nabble.com/php_pdf.dll-td13609244.html#a13609244 .
the php_pdf.dll is not 
> included in the Ms4W package downloaded. I downloaded a
php_pdf.dll  at 
> http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php/ext/ (php-5.0.5) and placed
it in 
> /ms4w/Apache/php/ext/ folder but I still got the same error.
Could you 
> advise how this can be fixed?
> Jessica


>>> "Julien-Samuel Lacroix" <jlacroix at mapgears.com> 5/23/2008 1:55
PM >>>


Is php_pdf.dll included in MS4W by default? If not, you need to ask
MS4W list to get it. I'm not sure if a package comming from other
may work.

You may have more chances on the MS4W mailing-list.


Jessica Fendos wrote:
> Hi list:
> I am using WS4W 2.2.4 with chameleon-2.6.0rc1. When applying the

> PrintProduction Widget and try to save map as a pdf file in a
> application, I got the following error message:  
> *Warning*: dl() [function.dl 

> Unable to load dynamic library '/ms4w/Apache/php/ext/php_pdf.dll'
- The 
> specified module could not be found. in 
> line *242*
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function pdf_new() in 
> line *246*
> ** 
> I discovered that this problem was reported by another individual
> *http://www.nabble.com/php_pdf.dll-td13609244.html#a13609244 . I

> downloaded a php_pdf.dll  at 
> http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php/ext/ (php-5.0.5) and placed
it in 
> /ms4w/Apache/php/ext/ folder but I still got the same error.
Could you 
> advise how this can be fixed?
> Thanks!
> Jessica
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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