[ms4w-users] Problem With SDE conection

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Oct 29 10:57:02 EDT 2008

David Martinez Morata wrote:
> Here my SDE layer.
>         NAME SITES
>         TYPE POINT
>         CONNECTION "<servername>,port:<port>,sde,<user>,<passwd>"
>         PLUGIN "C:/ms4w/Apache/specialplugins/msplugin_sde_92.dll"
>         DATA "EDITOR.ngo9_l2e_01meu_sites,SHAPE,SDE.DEFAULT"
>         HEADER "C:/ms4w/apps/Cablage/templates/Sites_query_header.html"
>         FOOTER "C:/ms4w/apps/Test/templates/sites_query_footer.html"
>         CLASS
>             NAME "Sites techniques"
>             STYLE
>                 SYMBOL "CIRCLE"
>                 SIZE 14
>                 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>                 COLOR 255 85 0
>             END

Hmm your layer looks fine.  I would run shp2img with the '-map_debug 3' 
switch to see all errors.  It is odd that the error you get points to 
'C:/ms4w/gdalplugins\\gdal_SDE.dll', when your layer points to 
'C:/ms4w/Apache/specialplugins/msplugin_sde_92.dll' instead.  I don't 
understand why it is looking for gdal_SDE.dll.

I actually don't have SDE running locally so it is very difficult for me 
to test.  Can someone with SDE assist David from this list please?  thanks.

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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