[ms4w-users] Proble to get the Query image result

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Apr 9 13:09:05 EST 2009

David Martinez Morata wrote:
> Thanks jeff for your answer, but it's not a problem to show the content 
> of the WMS service. I show my maps in the clients. I enable the request 
> capabilitie in the map file (QUERYMAP)
> And the requests generates the image file, with the entities of the 
> request(in the temp directory of my server) selected (in yellow), but in 
> the client side I don't show the image with the selected features, just 
> the same image of the map. And the request give me the data of the 
> selected features.
> I don't really understand the process, I try to define a Template... but 
> that don't works. 
> Any other suggestion?

If you have manually tested a GetFeatureInfo request in a browser for 
your service, then the WMS service setup by MapServer is functioning 
properly.  The next step is to configure your application...so if I were 
you I would be looking to the MapFish community for help with its query 
tool.  But maybe others on this list have more specific advice for you.


Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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